Wednesday, February 15, 2012
I Love you: a Post-Valentine's Day poem
No really, you. Yes you.
I love you. I love you just as much today as I did yesterday...
and perhaps even a little more.
I love you without condition:
my love is a simple, humble gratitude for your presence in this Universe, on this plane of consciousness where we have met.
I love you,
because I know I have loved you before,
and will love you again.
I love you because my prophets have taught me to love you this way.
I don't have to like you to love you (but I like you anyway),
nor do I have to see you, tell you, kiss you, or touch you to love you; I only have to know of your existence.
Will you meet me here?
Will you knock down your walls, your defensive ways of skepticism and mistrust to meet me in this holy place?
If you don't, I will love you the same.
I will continue to love you until the day I die, until the day you cease to exist as you, or the day we cease to exist as us, at which time I will love you infinitely more.