A lone woman in this bed tonight.
It used to make me cry: to not feel him next to me.
I couldn't sleep without his wall of warm muscles
prostrated to my right.
I returned to him night after night,
even after he kicked me to the curb.
Knowing there was nothing I could do,
I returned anyway just to feel him
there in those last few moments as we drifted off.
When I woke up, he was gone.
And in my awakening, I realized he was never there.
I couldn't fill the void in my heart with him.
Nor was I a strong enough vessel to contain his love.
He began to fill me, and I cracked.
He poured into me, and I broke.
Now empty.
Hardening in the Sun of the Eternal Love.
I have found solidarity in solitude.
Tonight I lay wrapped in blankets of grace, trust, independence.
This bed is barely big enough to hold my new extensive heart.
No valley among mountainous pillows could hold this radiating chakra,
this bursting dan tien.
The chasms in my life are filled with overflowing waters,
sacred uncoiling kundalini,
pulsing qi force giving life back to my
sole soul.
So this is what happiness is.
With a fadeless smile under these sleepy eyes,
I drift off with no one next to me and EVERY ONE of you within me.
Happy Valentine's Day,
Open up, Let's all fall in Love with one another.