dreams found me between dark sleep and heavy eyes
a voice spelling, meaning, instructing
warning of my greater purpose
"wake up and serve, this is your path"
focusing, tunneling on this defined future,
who and where do our paths cross?
is it meant to be?
staggering in each moment of doubt
maybe staring harder, chin higher
straining to see ahead
i won't keep faltering, i won't lose footing
i can't keep losing sight
why do i keep stumbling?
distractions take focus off the future
why do i keep falling?
each time longer to get back on my feet
why do i so oft find myself on my knees?
in the moment
scary, horrifying present
old wounds ripped open, fresh pain so familiar
these sticks and stones beneath my hands...
so familiar
looking aft, seeing roots
fingering their way across the path
unnoticed, beneath my feet
each one a reminder to stay present
present to the journey
each one i did not see
upon them i tripped
i wouldn't look down
i wouldn't look within
i only saw ahead
i didn't FEEL my way
i didn't feel.
i didn't live.